Have you got what it takes to build a true talent marketplace? 

internal talent marketplace

Of course, the tech you use to create a talent marketplace that drives your business and empowers your employees is crucial. But there are other vital ingredients that are often overlooked.

Is your culture fit for purpose?

The current culture in many organisations doesn’t foster a true talent marketplace (Gallup recently found that only 41% of employees strongly agree that they know what their company stands for and what makes it different from competitors). There’s often a lack of transparent communication between leadership and employees. And this can really hurt a business when it comes to tackling challenges: input is limited and may not be taken from employees who are experiencing key issues on a daily basis, and could have great ideas that are essential for overcoming them. 

understand the skills in the organisation
Do you truly know your skills ecosystem?

Many leaders also lack knowledge of their real skills ecosystem; it’s a huge issue that most don’t know the majority of their employees –  their capabilities, talents and ambitions. That has to change or the company is just left with an org chart of roles, not a dynamic, right person right work, talent marketplace. 

Are your people visible, at all levels?

Leaders must give their people the courage to put their hands up and speak. A two-way talent marketplace that values talent, and where communication runs easily and transparently both ways, is vital. Easy, inclusive communication tools that can be used to collaborate across your organisation at all levels helps, as does as much transparency in communication from management as possible, with space to allow your employees to discuss and input.

internal talent marketplace
Visibility is key for employees at all levels

Have you got two-way stack-ranking covered? 

Two-way stack-ranking has a vital role to play in your talent marketplace – yet, it’s often overlooked. On LinkedIn, for example, potential candidates simply see the list of roles they’re matching with and have to sort through them manually. In short, there’s a lot of noise, but little focus and genuine insight into job matches, and too much manual filtering for the strongest candidates to undertake.

Are your ways of working effective?

Offices in different timezones present challenges for smooth collaboration. As do skills being spread across different offices. How do you find the right people in your business for a specific problem-solve? 

“The current mindset when it comes to ways of working and talent management usually means that the people who leaders and managers work with daily tend to be front of mind. But there could be a great match for a role on a team, or someone who could give expert problem-solving input, elsewhere in the company – and they may even be looking to leave the organisation because of a lack of opportunity. Managers need the magic wand that lets them matchmake in this situation. So, the question is, how do you cast your net more broadly, with little effort?” 

Sanjay Varma – CEO, Kalido

This is what we’ve been thinking about a lot at Kalido. 

How Kalido gives leaders the confidence to build a true talent marketplace

Kalido gives you an accurate, 360° view of your skills ecosystem, with two-way stacked-rank matching for roles and projects that filters and highlights the right people immediately. Through skill mapping, accurate competency ratings, and internal communities based on interest-matching, our powerful AI will show you effective, clear pathways for upskilling in a practical way that employees can act on immediately.  

AI driven talent matching
Two-way stack-ranked matching and practical pathways for upskilling are crucial factors for a true talent marketplace

Retention is crucial and Kalido is built for that. We’re not just here to get the right people into the right roles at your organisation, fast, but our Skills wishlist and upskilling features give an ongoing pathway to retain talented people throughout their careers. It fosters a genuine two-way talent marketplace that boosts employee engagement.  

Looking for a platform that takes care of the tech while empowering the human side of your business? Book a demo today with sales@kalido.me

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