


Our Latest Blogs

Why having a talent management strategy matters

A talent management strategy is crucial for any business. A well-defined strategy empowers an organisation to attract, develop, motivate, and retain top talent, ensuring that it has the right people...

Lean…agile…WFH – Adventures in productivity

To unlock latent productivity, as seen in the lockdown, companies must seize the moment to...

Three key stats and what they tell us about the future of work

Powerful forces are reshaping the world of work. Understanding the significance of these three stats...

How to design a hiring process that you would want to go through

If you were joining your company again today, would you want to go through your hiring process? If...

The best talent acquisition comes from referrals

Finding the right people can be tough. Holding on to them can be even tougher. Organisations acquire...

The value of employee profiles

We all want to connect with others. But devices are increasingly isolating us. And when 50% of the...

I am new to a big company. Help.

When changing employers or joining your first company, anticipation and anxiety are nearly...

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‘Right Person, Right Work’ Talent Solution

Transform your business with Kalido’s powerful skill-matching AI

Talent Solution